FADS (Fish Aggregating Devices)
Fad Fishing in Costa Rica located on the sea Mounts 65-130 miles offshore of Los Suenos Costa Rica, are producing some of the most incredible marlin bites on the planet! It is very common to see double digit days with 10-25 marlin released in a single day. If your goal is to catch a marlin on fly, or multiple marlin this is the trip for you.

What Is FAD?
The Fads are an artificial submerged reef strategically anchored on a seamount, with a top just below the surface to attract bait fish, which in turn attracts billfish, (lots of them) mostly blue marlin, along with sails, and some black marlin.
On any day you can easily have 15-25 bites and there have been epic days with more than 50 Blue Marlin.
Costa Rica Fad Fishing requires overnight trips due to the long distance’s needed to travel to the various sea mounts far offshore.
Seamount / FAD fishing details
Our Fad Fishing Boat
The Dream Raiser is a 37 foot Cabo Express with a very nice salon, with a double bed forward, and a dinette that converts into a comfortable bunk bed. There is a full bath with a shower, & a galley. 3 people can comfortably sleep in the salon, with 2 crew sleeping in the covered helm area. We limit these overnight, multiple day fishing trips to 2-3 anglers.
What Included In The Package
We provide ice, food, bottled water, & soda’s. You are welcome to bring your own beer & alcohol.
Trip Details
Typically on our Fad trips the Dream Raiser will depart the Los Suenos marina in late afternoon 3-5pm and then chug all night 70-100 miles offshore at 8 knots, 8-12 hours to the fads. At dawn the crew will deploy the fishing gear for some of the best marlin fishing in the world. The best fishing is usually the first 2, & the last 2 hours of the day.
If you are on our 2 day/3 night trip you will stop fishing at dark, eat some dinner & share fishing stories from the day, catch some much needed sleep, & then repeat the process the next day fishing from dawn to dusk, then chugging all night back to the marina.
Finally if on our 1 day/2 night fad trip then at dark after 12 hours of fishing chug back to port.
While the Costa Rica Fads produce fish year round, the peak season with the most consistent fishing with the highest marlin numbers is April thru November.
Fad Fishing Rates
Depart the night before, travel overnight to fad
2 Nights / 1 Day Seamount Fad Trip(up to 3 anglers)$3000
- Day 1: Fish dawn to dusk, 12 hours of fishing
- Night 2: Chug overnight back to Los Suenos arriving the next morning.
3 Nights / 2 Days Fad Fishing Trip(up to 3 anglers)$6000
- Day 1: Fish dawn to dusk, 12 hours of fishing, spend night 2 on the boat.
- Day 2: Fish dawn to dusk, 12 hours of fishing.
- Night 3: Chug overnight back to Los Suenos Marina, arrive next morning.
Add on options
Full Day Sail Fishing Additional Charge$1600
- Depart the Los Suenos marina at 7am and fish all day on your way to the Sea mounts. Sleep on boat and start fishing on the fad at dawn. On your final day of fishing at dark, you will chug back to port arriving the next morning. Or you could reverse the process and the morning after your final day fishing at the Fad/Seamount, fish until about 2-3pm on your way back to Los Suenos, arriving back at the marina around 4pm.
Half DayAdditional Charge$1100
- Fishing half a day on the day before your fad trip, departing Los Suenos Marina about 12 -1pm. Fishing until dark then chug the rest of the way to the Seamount/Fads.
Run Back To PortFuel Surcharge$400
- Fuel Surcharge compared to chugging all the way home. Instead of fishing until dark you can pick up 2-3 hours early, and run a couple hours part way back to the marina until it gets dark, then chug the last few miles and get back to the marina late that night instead of sleeping all night on the boat, & arriving the next morning. (Because of fuel supplies only available on the 1 day 2 night trip)